Wait, What? "Point Break 2"? And Another "Tomb Raider"?

by | May 15, 2007 | Comments

From the "sequels we’re not dying for" department, we get a few tidbits regarding the possibility of A) "Tomb Raider 3" and B) "Point Break 2." (Really?)

Screenwriter W. Peter Iliff, who wrote the first "Point Break," is said to be moving forward on a sequel with production company RGM Films. Apparently Keanu Reeves‘ character will not be involved, but the one played by Patrick Swayze will be. (No word yet on if Swayze is signed on.)

Mr. Iliff (who also wrote "Patriot Games" and "Varsity Blues") will be making his directorial debut on the project, which will take place in Asia and center on an ex-surfer who joins the Navy in order to track down some Asian bad guys. Sounds like an all-around bad idea to me.

Speaking of bad ideas, someone on the video game side of the "Tomb Raider" series really wants to get another sequel out of Paramount. (Yes, still.) "At this moment in time it’s still not green-lit, but the signs are there … They’re willing to put a scriptwriter on board. Angelina Jolie has an option to do a third movie," is what TR creator Ian Livingstone had to say — although the operative words in that quote are "willing" and "option." Ian, get back to us when you have words like "signed contract" and "green-lit."

Source: Moviehole.net, Cinematical.com