Tropic Thunder Cruise-ing for a Cameo?

Theroux offers an unequivocal "maybe."

by | August 15, 2007 | Comments

It isn’t next year’s most buzzed-about movie, but judging from its cast — which includes Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Jack Black, Robert Downey Jr., and a presumably lucid Nick Nolte — there’s a lot of press in Tropic Thunder‘s future. And according to MTV Movies, there exists a distinct possibility that a certain high-profile cameo will add to the film’s appeal.

MTV’s Josh Horowitz caught up with Justin Theroux, who co-wrote Tropic Thunder‘s script and is part of the cast (and is also currently promoting his directing debut, the Billy Crudup/Mandy Moore rom-com-dram Dedication), and he provided the following handy synopsis:

“We were watching a war [movie] DVD and there were actors talking about the boot camp they did and how it was intense. So we thought, wouldn’t it be funny if we did a movie about a bunch of actors who came back from a boot camp for a war movie and they had post traumatic stress disorder. That was the germ of the joke. And then it went from there to being a bunch of actors going to make the biggest budget war movie and getting lost in the jungle. And they end up fighting an unseen enemy and thinking they’re fighting a real war.”

Obviously not one to pass up the opportunity to confirm a rumor, Horowitz asked Theroux if it’s true that Stiller’s Hardy Men co-star, Tom Cruise, will be playing a studio head in Tropic Thunder. Theroux’s response? “I think so. I don’t know. We’ll see. It may happen. It may not happen.”

So there you have it: Tom Cruise might be making a cameo appearance. We think. Maybe. Maybe not. Tropic Thunder — which sounds uncomfortably similar to Delta Farce for our tastes — is scheduled to open next July.

Source: MTV Movies