J.J. Abrams Wants Newbies to See His "Star Trek" Movie

by | January 11, 2007 | Comments

In the world of fandom, you simply won’t find many groups as old-school passionate as the "Star Trek" enthusiasts. So whenever a new movie or TV series is announced, skepticism is mixed with excitement, and the message boards begin swelling with banter. But the latest "Trek" helmer (J.J. Abrams) seems to be happy to cater to the newcomer crowd.

According to Entertainment Weekly (and brought to the internets via IGN Movies), Mr. Abrams wants his "reboot" to be just that: Something that the old fans can enjoy (of course), but mainly an entirely fresh beginning, with perhaps little more than the title in common with the previous films. (But I doubt it.)

Mr. Abrams seems genuinely and seriously thrilled to be directing the next "Trek," but here’s the quote that’ll probably earn a lot of wrath from the aforementioned message boards: "I would actually prefer [that] people don’t know the series, because I feel like they will come to it with an open mind."

Uh oh, J.J. You might have stepped on a landmine there.