Jack Nicholson & Morgan Freeman Create "The Bucket List"

by | June 29, 2006 | Comments

Longtime helmer Rob Reiner will direct veteran actors Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman in "The Bucket List," a comedy about two terminally ill pair of old friends who hit the road for one last series of adventures.

According to Variety, "Scripted by Justin Zackham, "The Bucket List" refers to a wish list that two terminally ill men try to fulfill before each kicks the bucket. After they break out of a cancer ward, they head off on a road trip with an itinerary that includes racing cars, eating giant plates of caviar and slinging poker chips in Monte Carlo.

Pic is eyeing an October production start, with deals and budget to be worked out once the studio has been locked in."

Freeman and Nicholson have never worked together before, but Reiner and Nicholson are old pals from "A Few Good Men."