Is "Fletch Won" Back On Again?

by | June 12, 2007 | Comments

Last thing we heard about a new "Fletch" flick was that "Scrubs" creator Bill Lawrence would direct and (probably) Zach Braff would star. Well, forget all that.

Most recent word states that director Steve Pink will be helming the adaptation of Gregory McDonald’s "Fletch Won," and his title character will be played by … (ready for it?) … Joshua Jackson.

Mr. Pink is the director of "Accepted" and the co-writer of "High Fidelity" and "Grosse Pointe Blank." Joshua Jackson is probably best known for his "Dawson’s Creek" series, but he was also in movies like "Cruel Intentions," "The Skulls," and "Cursed."

You may have read this report last week, but our source seems intent on confirming it.
