Cate Blanchett To Be Indiana Jones 4 Villain?

A nefarious foe, possibly in league with the Russians?

by | September 18, 2007 | Comments

George Lucas and Steven Spielberg are being their typically secretive selves when it comes to Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but — thankfully for fans of the series and MTV Movies — the movie’s cast has slightly looser lips.

According to a post published yesterday at MTV Movies, Cate Blanchett let slip with what might have been some telling details during a recent interview with the network. No, she doesn’t have any idea what that title means (“I went, ‘Oh, that’s what it’s called, is it?'”). But when it comes to rampant speculation regarding whether or not her character is Indy’s latest love interest, she’s understandably more certain.

During her interview, Blanchett shared memories of being a 12-year-old girl and watching Harrison Ford kiss Karen Allen during Raiders of the Lost Ark:

“I can remember that was a big part for me…I thought, ‘Ooh, gosh. When I grow up I’d like to marry a man like him, even if he does fall asleep after I kiss him.'”

The natural follow-up question, of course, is whether Blanchett will have the chance to lock lips with Ford in the new movie — and MTV didn’t fall down on the job:

So we asked straight away: Did she get her childhood wish? Does she finally get to kiss Indiana Jones? “[Not] unless they’ve changed the script pages,” she sighed. “I don’t think so.”

So, for those keeping track at home, signs currently point to Blanchett playing a villain in Indy 4MTV describes her rumored character as “a nefarious foe, possibly in league with the Russians.” Not that it matters what just about anyone in the cast plays, really; it’s gonna take a flaming moat around the theater to keep us (and, we imagine, most of you) away on opening day.

Source: MTV Movies