Balls of Fury Writers Working on Night At The Museum 2

by | July 31, 2007 | Comments

It made a billion dollars and I can’t remember talking to ONE person who actually liked it. But you knew it was coming. The ball is rolling on another Night at the Museum.

And I’d be willing to bet that’s what they call it, too: "Another Night at the Museum." Because that’s what passes for clever these days.

OK, I’ll put the sarcasm away. According to Dark Horizons, screenwriters Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon (who have Balls of Fury on the way) have confessed: Yes, they’ve started in on the sequel’s screenplay. Then again, Night at the Museum was a pretty big step up from their other screenplays. Shield your eyeballs and then scan those credits. Yep, the same guys who co-created the hilarious Reno 911! and The State — also co-wrote Taxi, The Pacifier, Herbie: Fully Loaded, and Let’s Go to Prison. I’m not sure if Ben Stiller is signed yet, but that shouldn’t be a problem. That guy will do just about any flick for a paycheck. (And how the heck did the Reno 911! movie turn out so rotten?)

Having said all that, the Balls of Fury trailer did make me chuckle a few times — about five months ago. But back to the main issue: Another Night at the Museum? Who’s up for that? Be honest. The first flick didn’t gross $250 million by itself.

Source: Dark Horizons