Who's Up for Ridley Scott's "Monopoly"?

by | June 19, 2007 | Comments

Not too long ago we heard that Hasbro wanted to turn a bunch of their properties into movies. Now they seem to have ensnared Sir Ridley Scott into their plan.

According to News.com.au (who source their story from The London Times), Ridley Scott has indeed been approached to direct the comedic thriller known as "Monopoly." Hasbro’s agency (William Morris) promises to overload the movie with high-profile movie stars. Apparently they’ve already offered roles to Scarlett Johansson and Kirsten Dunst.

Here’s my favorite part: "Hasbro, which claims that Monopoly has been played by 750 million people since the 1930s, wants the film to feature "sexy young people" in an attempt to attract teenagers to board games." Right, because the movie will be SO GOOD that it’ll inspire people to run home and play Monopoly. Ha.

Regarding Ridley Scott’s involvement, I’ll believe it when I see it. On the screen, I mean.

Source: News.com.au