Tony Scott's "Warriors" Remake is Gearing Up

by | November 17, 2006 | Comments

Although it hasn’t been "officially" announced just yet, the rather stylish director Tony Scott has been getting ready to helm a remake of Walter Hill‘s "The Warriors" for some time now. And with his "Deja Vu" all finished and ready for release, Mr. Scott seems ready to rumble with the gangs.

From IGN Movies: " "The Warriors is in the cards very soon … I’m creating a journey from Long Beach to Santa Monica, to Venice, so I’m going to create this sort of little fictionalized journey. But it’s going to be a lot tougher and I’ll use a lot of the real world — the real gangs, the real people — in the movie. That’s why I call it Kingdom of Heaven, my brother’s [Ridley Scott’s] movie, in terms of scale, versus [the original] The Warriors."

"I love the movie," he says of the original. "And what I’ve done is make it contemporary, and I’m going to shoot it contemporary by shooting it here. The original Warriors was New York in the ’70s, and everything went upwards, everything went vertically. And now I’m making it a contemporary thing and doing it in L.A., so everything is horizontal. So my vision of The Warriors is Los Angeles in 2007 and the gangs, instead of being 30, are going to be 3,000 or 5,000."

Click here for the rest of the piece, especially if you dig "The Warriors."