Tomatometer Watch: Will Twilight's New Moon Dazzle?

Critics review Edward and Bella's second chapter

by | November 18, 2009 | Comments

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With the memory of midnight showings of Twilight and Comic-Con fandemonium still fresh in Twilighters’ and critics’ minds, The Twilight Saga: New Moon bursts into theaters with no shortage of expectations this Friday.

Twilight stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner have been living on tabloid covers and causing Twiriots everywhere they’ve gone for the past year. We know the fans will be there and Team Jacob will likely enjoy his increased screen time, but what will critics think of the second installment of the love story between the Lion and the Lamb?

Critics were split on Twilight, saying that fans of the Vampire-infused book series would eat up the swoon-worthy moments of the big screen version of their favorite bizarre, beautiful boy and Forks, Washington’s newest resident, Isabella Swan, despite the movie being short on plot and quality special effects. With the introduction of a whole group of new faces diving headfirst into the saga, including relative veteran Dakota Fanning, critics and fans alike will have a lot to discuss.

Current reviews of New Moon seem to tell a similar story to the first installment of the Twilight saga: Good for the fans and the movie’s target demographic, less so for those less familiar with the story. Though many critics have said that the sequel is better than its predecessor (Twilight ended up at 49%), which gave Moon a strong early start. the movie’s Tomatometer score has been steadily dropping and currently finds itself well below Twilight‘s final score.

Time Out New York‘s Anna Smith points out that New Moon still has a handle on its young-adult audience: Hormonal frustration runs amok, and boys become attractive yet dangerous when they come of age (only the good ones keep their monsters in check).” And Smith reminds viewers, “This is a soap opera, folks-and acceptable escapism for those old enough to see it yet still young enough to shriek at undead dreamboats.”
Urban Cinefile’s Louise Keller writes, “The screenplay feels padded and the different strands of the storyline do not mesh together seamlessly. Performances however, live up to expectations with Stewart and Pattinson exuding the magic that reminds us why we care so much about their relationship.”

Other critics, like James O’Ehley, call the movie critic-proof. O’Ehley says that for those outside of the movie’s target demo, New Moon has more teenage angst that any reasonable adult should be allowed to endure.”

USA Today‘s Claudia Puig writes, “Though an improvement over the first Twilight film, this sequel (both based on Stephenie Meyer’s best-selling books) drags and sputters, even in scenes meant to be infused with passion.” Many critics agree with Puig, saying that the sequel is an improvement over Twilight, but Roger Ebert says “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” takes the tepid achievement of ‘Twilight,’ guts it, and leaves it for undead.”

Check out RT’s Twilight Corner for the latest interviews, pictures, videos, set visits and more as theaters prepare for Twilight‘s brand of star-crossed love to return to screens this weekend. And of course, check back here and on New Moon’s movie page for the movie’s much anticipated Tomatometer.

Where will New Moon‘s Tomatometer ultimately land? Take your best guess in the comments below! And for those that step into Stefenie Meyer’s world this weekend, be sure to rate and share your two cents in our community section.