Time for Another Round of "Alien vs. Predator"

by | August 1, 2006 | Comments

September 23rd marks day one on production of "Alien vs. Predator: Survival of the Fittest," the sequel nobody demanded to an original that nobody seemed to like. But hey, maybe Part 2 will be an improvement over the watchable-but-disappointing first entry.

We know that the creature creators are returning for another go-round, but we haven’t heard a whole lot in the casting department…

From Fangoria: "Tom Woodruff Jr. and Alec Gillis of Amalgamated Dynamics, veterans of the first "AVP" and all the previous "Alien" sequels, will encore on the creature FX. The Shane Salerno script places the battling extraterrestrials on U.S. soil (the Midwest); FX pros Colin and Greg Strauss make their feature directorial debuts on the December 21, 2007 Fox release."

…and wouldn’t Darwin be proud of that title?