Video Interviews

Alexander Skarsgård and Robert Eggers on The Northman's Viking Accuracy

Plus, Eggers explains what he learned from making The Witch and describes how Skarsgård's Viking knowledge was an invaluable resource in making the film.

by | April 22, 2022 | Comments

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With his first two films, 2015’s The Witch and 2019’s The Lighthouse, writer-director Robert Eggers developed a reputation for striking visuals, precisely crafted atmosphere, and period-accurate details. His latest, a 9th century Viking revenge tale called The Northman, sacrifices none of those things but delivers the kind of thrilling action-adventure that should appeal to larger audiences. Ahead of the film’s release, RT editor Jacqueline Coley spoke to Eggers and star Alexander Skarsgård about what it was like to work together on it. Skarsgård talks about how they discovered a shared love of Iceland and wanted to do an epic Viking adventure, and he describes how difficult the shoot was. Eggers, meanwhile, explains what he learned from making ‘The Witch’ and describes how Skarsgård’s Viking knowledge was an invaluable resource in making the film.

The Northman opens in theaters on April 22, 2022.

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