Attention P.T. Anderson fans — your wait is almost over! After a five year break, P.T. Anderson is back, and this time he’s teaming up with the unparalleled Daniel Day-Lewis in There Will Be Blood. And RT is giving you a first look with our two exclusive pictures. Judging from these, it looks like There Will Be Blood will have beautiful cinematography and plenty of interaction between a father and son in pursuit of the American dream.

In 2002, Anderson took on a romantic-comedy in the brilliant
Punch-Drunk Love (currently at 81 percent on the Tomatometer). Since then, eager fans have been waiting for his next feature film. This time around, instead of tackling pornography or raining frogs, Anderson brings us an epic about a family who strikes oil at the turn of the century. And
The Beverly Hillbillies it ain’t.
There Will Be Blood focuses on the greed, corruption and other problems that stem from being a Texas oil prospector in the early 20th Century.

There Will Be Blood isn’t scheduled for release until December, these first exclusive pics should tide you over for a bit. And looking at some of the past films from P.T. Anderson (
Boogie Nights) and Daniel Day-Lewis (
My Left Foot) — there is plenty to be excited about.
Click here to see the high-res versions!.