Rachel McAdams to Snag Katie Holmes' "Knight" Work?

by | January 30, 2007 | Comments

Ask just about anyone who loved "Batman Begins" what they thought the flick’s "weak spot" was, and I bet you money they’d say "Well, Katie Holmes, obviously. Her character, partially, but mainly just her blank stare and entirely unconvincing performance. Why do you ask?"

And then you could answer, "Well, not only is she (apparently) not returning for the sequel, but in her place we might get the bubbly ultra-hottie known as Rachel McAdams."

It’s all rumor and conjecture at this point, but JoBlo and Batman-on-Film.com are reporting that, yes, the "Wedding Crashers" cutie is in talks to play the role of Batman’s (unimportant) girlfriend in "The Dark Knight." Word is that it’s a pretty slim role this time around, which is fine by me, and also that Ms. McAdams would probably enjoy sticking to roles a little on the meatier side, but there you have it: Katie Holmes out, Rachel McAdams (maybe and allegedly) in.

As if the eye candy really matters. Before I started writing this story 6 minutes ago, I’d forgotten that Katie Holmes was even in "Batman Begins." She played a lawyer, right?