New Dark Knight Picture, Viral Site

Show 'em your best Joker face!

by | November 1, 2007 | Comments

Well, that didn’t take long — just a few hours after the word-jumble puzzle at The Dark Knight viral site WhySoSerious debuted, fans solved it, and as promised, the Joker made it worth their while. And now all of us get to benefit from their hard work.

Check it out. Isn’t the Internet great?

The above shot of Heath Ledger in Joker regalia was the payoff for cracking the WhySoSerious jumble — but Warner Bros. hasn’t stopped there. Clicking on the photo led fans to a whole new site, RorysDeathKiss, and — yep, you guessed it — another task to complete. Read on:

It’s show time, folks!

Patience is a virtue, but who wants to be virtuous? It’s time to get this little show of mine on the road. Anyone can wear a mask on Halloween. It’s what they skin off your face the rest of the year that really slays an audience.

Want to make me laugh? Here’s a little challenge you can try, starting at daybreak tomorrow.

Round up a crew, your friends, family and even your foes (as many clowns as you can find) and make yourselves look as pretty as me. Put on a show in front of the most famous landmark in your city, but don’t get arrested — you’re no use to me behind bars.

Send me a picture and I’ll see if you have what it takes.

Pictures are like ears: anything you lend me, I’m never giving back. You, I only want to rent. The pictures I’m gonna own.

Be clever, be daring, be creative, or just be the butt of my joke.

Do this for me…and I’ll do something to for you.

You heard the man — break out the makeup and get those shutters snapping!

Source: RorysDeathKiss
Source: Slashfilm