"Joker" Pic Turns Out to Be Fan-Made

by | April 25, 2007 | Comments

Remember that "Heath Ledger as Joker" photo that hit the net a few days back, causing all sorts of fan-frenzy reaction? Yeah, it was a fake.

Turns out the pic was something thrown together by a rather proud individual over at this SuperheroHype.com message board, who then sent the thing out to a few websites to see who’d report what. And the thing just kind of took off from there. So that one close-up? Total fake. End of story.

And wasn’t there some mention last week that the filmmakers wanted to release their own pic some time this summer … just to prevent this sort of thing from happening? Kinda funny. Anyway, I’d be fine waiting until "The Dark Knight" hits the screens before I see what The Joker looks like. Crazy, I know.

Sources: Dark Horizons, JoBlo, Superhero Hype