Guillermo del Toro Finally Scaling Mountains of Madness?

Director's Lovecraft adaptation lands at Universal.

by | October 3, 2007 | Comments

What’s the next stop for Guillermo del Toro after finishing Hellboy 2: The Golden Army? According to Latino Review, the director’s next project will take place At the Mountains of Madness.

The title will be immediately familiar to fans of the director — not to mention readers of H.P. Lovecraft, since it comes from the author’s 1936 story about a doomed Antarctic expedition. Del Toro has been trying for years to get his Madness adaptation off the ground, but until now, hasn’t been able to secure studio financing. According to the Latino Review report, Universal has finally signed on — now the only question is whether it’s at all possible to finish the project before (you guessed it) the Great Hollywood Strike of 2008.

It doesn’t seem likely. Without giving too much of the story away, At the Mountains of Madness is connected at several points to the larger Cthulhu Mythos, and really doesn’t seem like the type of story that a group of filmmakers could just knock out in a few weeks to beat a deadline. Latino Review describes the script as “hot” (you can read their more in-depth review by clicking on the link below), but Lovecraft fans have got to be crossing their fingers and hoping this gets held over until after the strike.

Source: Latino Review