Crowe & Di Caprio to Team up for Ridley Scott's "Body of Lies"

by | June 29, 2007 | Comments

Man, Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe must really like working together…

First they did "Gladiator" together, and then "A Good Year." Later this year comes "American Gangster" and eventually we’ll get "Nottingham," too. If that’s not enough Ridley Scott / Russell Crowe collaborations for you, get ready to enjoy "Body of Lies," a political thriller that’ll bring Crowe and Leonardo Di Caprio together for the first time since … "The Quick and the Dead"!

Based on the book by Donald Ignatius and adapted by Oscar-winner William Monahan, "Body of Lies" will be about a pair of CIA agents who frame a terrorist leader by planting false rumors about his connection to American agencies. And yes, the term ‘Al Qaeda’ is being used in the plot synopsis.

Production of "Body of Lies" gets underway in October.

Source: Variety