Weekly Ketchup

The Weekly Ketchup: Marvel Madness, Dune Gets its Director, Bruckheimer Makes Promises to Persia

The final Ketchup of 2007. Happy new year's everyone!

by | December 28, 2007 | Comments

In this week’s Ketchup, we have two tidbits of Marvel madness, major progress on
the Dune adaptation, and the deaths of some of our most beloved on-screen

This Week’s Top News:

Stan Lee
Promises Many, Many Marvel Movies

Get ready for a lot more movies based on Marvel characters — according to
Stan Lee, the
company is leaving no major character unfilmed.

Peter Berg
Confirmed to Direct New Dune Film

Score another one for the rumor mill:
Peter Berg
has been confirmed as the director of a new

Bruckheimer Promises Unique Prince of Persia

They said you couldn’t turn a theme park ride into a good movie and
brought us

Pirates of the Caribbean
. Now he looks to set right the damage done
by Hollywood to video games with his

Prince of Persia

Nicolas Cage
Wants Ghost Rider Sequel

Nicolas Cage
had never made a sequel until

National Treasure: Book of Secrets
. Now, that franchise seems to have
whet his appetite to return to other characters too. The most likely candidate
would be the comic book superhero
Ghost Rider

Sacha Baron Cohen
Announces "Deaths" of Borat, Ali G

There will by no more sexytime for
Sacha Baron

Informal RT staff polling reveals Speedball, Cardiac, and Skull
and Crossbones movies are most wanted. (Seriously.)

In Other News:

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