Total Recall Remake Coming?

We refuse to believe this.

by | September 12, 2007 | Comments

Honestly, there really are original ideas coming out of Hollywood. It’s just that the studios seem to be doing their best to try and convince us otherwise.

Take, for instance, the rumor — please, God, let it just be a rumor — that there’s a Total Recall remake on the table that will, according to Moviehole, be starting production “in the very near future.”

The report is blessedly free of details, but the Weinstein brothers’ longstanding desire for a Recall sequel is no secret; as some of you might recall, the script for what was supposed to be Total Recall 2 eventually wound up being used as the basis for 2002’s Minority Report. (Of course, Minority Report — like Total Recall — took its ultimate inspiration from Philip K. Dick.)

Whether or not Total Recall deserves to be called a “classic” is certainly up for debate, but it certainly isn’t begging for the remake treatment. Then again, neither were most of the movies being remade right now.

Source: Moviehole