The Rotten Tomatoes Show Wants Your Reviews!

Submit video reviews for Watchmen, 12, or Shuttle!

by | March 6, 2009 | Comments

Faithful Rotten Tomatoes readers know we’re always
looking for new ways to keep these vines vibrant, unique, and
exciting. Our latest endeavor:
The Rotten Tomatoes Show
, a movie review program
which had
its premiere last night (created by and featured on Current TV, you
watch the
at any time on their site). Hosts Brett Erlich and Ellen Fox give their
take on the big-name movies, run down movie lists, ask the big questions (“Will
there ever be a good video game movie?”), and, most important to you,
your submitted reviews and thoughts on the program.

For the next episode, The Rotten Tomatoes Show is calling for submissions
of your video/webcam
reviews and thoughts on:

  • Watchmen, the wildly anticipated adaptation of Alan Moore’s graphic novel.
  • 12,
    Russia’s Oscar-nominated spin on 12 Angry Men.
  • Shuttle, an indie
    thriller set up a, yep, airport shuttle.

webcam clip
she’ll tell you everything you need to know to get your video considered for
episode 2.

If you’re all caught up on the The Rotten Tomatoes Show mythology and
want to get closer to your personable hosts, you can follow them on Twitter:
click here for Brett, and
here for Ellen. And, of course, you can always show
your love and support for Rotten Tomatoes by following us on the official site
Twitter here.