Stephen Chow Talks "Kung Fu Hustle" Sequel

by | August 31, 2005 | Comments

Yahoo! News (via the AP) brings the scoopage on a sequel to Stephen Chow‘s "Kung Fu Hustle," which did somewhat decent business here in the states — but those who’ve seen the flick seem to really love it. "Chow called the movie’s $17.1 million box office take in America as of Aug. 18 "not bad," but said, "I hope I can do better in the future."

Chow said casting for the "Kung Fu Hustle" sequel hasn’t been finalized and that he hasn’t settled on a female lead.

"There will be a lot of new characters in the movie. We’ll need a lot of new actors. It’s possible that we’ll look for people abroad besides casting locals," he said."

For those who’ve not yet experienced the insanity of "Kung Fu Hustle," it’s (hint hint) on DVD already.