Sandler Wants to Remake "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes"??

by | May 26, 2005 | Comments

Rock-solid horror site Bloody Disgusting may have scored themselves an interesting little scoop … if notorious joker Adam Sandler isn’t pulling their leg, that is. A college reporter sent in a goofy little news item that has Mr. Sandler discussing the possibility of an "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" remake: "We actually talked, still do, about Killer Tomatoes. I think we should do that one – lots of gore, but lots of laughs too. Robby‘s in. That’s a classic man…. we’re definitely goin’ to look at that again soon."

Sandler also confirmed the earlier report regarding his involvement in Quentin Tarantino‘s "Inglorious Bastards." Be sure to check out for the full report.