Rachel Weisz, Hugh Jackman and Darren Aronofsky Illuminate "The Fountain"

by | November 28, 2006 | Comments

"The Fountain" is a sci-fi tale of time-jumping lovers, Spanish conquistadors, and the complex metaphysical ideas in director Darren Aronofsky‘s mind. So how do Aronofsky and stars Rachel Weisz and Hugh Jackman explain the intricacies of their challenging Big Question film?

The trio sat down with IGN Movies to discuss the recent mind-twister, so check out these video interviews (along with the eye-popping visuals of Aronofsky’s 15th century Spain and the future) for insight into the year’s most complicated love story.

Weisz calls it a "tragic, beautiful, epic, classic romantic love story." Jackman likens the vulnerability of submitting to Aronofsky’s idea-filled story to bungee jumping. And Aronofsky himself explains how the characters in all three eras are really the same people, and offers his influences while making the film:

"’The Fountain‘ was everything I’ve been thinking about for the last 6 years…I was listening a lot to Space Oddity by David Bowie, which has the whole Major Tom thing in it; I was also reading a lot about conquistadors and Spanish history and Mayans; I had a friend that I was working on the ideas with that had a PhD in neuroscience, and somehow we weaved them altogether and made ‘The Fountain.’"

Click images to check out the full interviews on IGN Movies.

"The Fountain" is in theaters now.