Original Joker Creator to Act as "Dark" Consultant?

by | October 20, 2006 | Comments

Original Joker creator Jerry Robinson was the subject of a rather excellent interview with Newsarama’s Dan Epstein, and he briefly touched upon a topic that’ll excite you hardcore comics geeks: Apparently the legendary artist has been approached to act as a consultant on Christopher Nolan‘s inevitably awesome "The Dark Knight."

From Newsarama: "NRAMA: What do you think of the Batman movies?

JR: I was more impressed with the last one [Batman Begins] than the others. I didn’t care for most of the others, mostly the writing and not necessarily the acting. I hope the next one [The Dark Knight] will be good. I might be acting as a consultant on that.

NRAMA: Oh really?

JR: Possibly. That’s being discussed. So if that’s true, then I hope it’ll be the best one."

Click here for the full interview.