Joel Silver Taking Over "He-Man" Movie?

by | May 20, 2007 | Comments

For a while there it looked like John Woo was going to direct a new "Masters of the Universe" movie, but that’s just nutty. Producer Joel Silver, on the other hand…

…now that seems to make more sense. AICN is reporting that Joel Silver will be producing the "He-Man" flick, if it ever gets through the door at Warner Bros., that is. Word is that newcomer screenwriter Justin Marks has been tapped to write the script. Marks also has the "Green Arrow in Prison" project "Super Max" on his plate, with titles like "Voltron" and "Street Fighter" on the back burner. Busy guy.

Right about here is where I’d usually make a sarcastic comment about that OTHER "Masters of the Universe" movie, but I figure I’d open the floor to the commenters. Anyone?

Source: AICN