Interview With Blade: Trinity Directory David Goyer

by | December 3, 2004 | Comments

IGNFF sat down with "Blade: Trinity" director David Goyer for a revealing interview. He got his first big break with "Death Warrant," a martial arts movie starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. "As soon as Jean-Claude was cast we had to take all of his dialogue –- he spoke even less English back then –- and give it to other characters or cut it out." After working with numerous directors, he decided to get into the act himself. "There’s nothing, nothing worse than being on the set of a film or TV show that you’ve written and feeling that the person in charge of that project has no idea what they’re doing." As to "Blade: Trinity," he has decided to take a different approach. "I made the decision to do less CG stuff, to use less stuntmen, to do less wirework, you know the Hong Kong-style wire work, and to do more old school fighting or brawling," he says. His best film for 2003? "28 Days Later." "Blade: Trinity" stars Wesley Snipes and Jessica Biel and will be in theaters Dec. 8th.