Fifteen Documentaries Vie for Oscar Consideration

War is the undisputed subject of the year.

by | November 20, 2007 | Comments

A little over a week after reporting the names of the dozen films being submitted for Oscar consideration in the animated feature film category, Variety has given readers the 15-film shortlist for the awards’ feature-length documentary prize.

The majority of the nominees focus on war — particularly the war in Iraq, which provides the central subject for Body of War, No End in Sight, Taxi to the Dark Side, and Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime Experience. Other war-themed films include White Light/Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, The Rape of Europa, and Nanking.

Michael Moore‘s Sicko, arguably the year’s highest-profile documentary, is also being submitted for consideration. Notable omissions from the shortlist are In the Shadow of the Moon, The King of Kong, and Terror’s Advocate. The last batch of submissions, from the article:

Rounding out the list are Sean Fine and Andrea Nix‘s “War/Dance,” Tony Kaye‘s “Lake of Fire,” Weijun Chen’s “Please Vote for Me,” Daniel G. Karslake‘s “For the Bible Tells Me So,” Bill Haney‘s “The Price of Sugar,” Peter Raymont‘s “A Promise to the Dead: The Exile Journey of Ariel Dorfman” and Tricia Regan‘s “Autism: The Musical.”

It now falls to the Academy to winnow the list of 15 down to five nominees, to be announced January 22.

Source: Variety