Early Plans for a "Pirates 4"?

by | April 4, 2007 | Comments

Whenever a new sequel hits the horizon and everyone gets all excited … we get hungry for (yes) extra sequels! Now it seems there’s some early rumblings about a fourth chapter in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series — although I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for it to happen.

Reliable sources cite some unnamed sources, but the bottom line is this: Somewhere deep in a hidden room at Disney, someone is taking Johnny Depp‘s affection for the Jack Sparrow character pretty seriously. The actor has claimed, more than once, that he’d be more than happy to keep playing the goofy pirate, and that’s pretty much the only component you’d definitely NEED to keep the POTC boat afloat.

Allegedly there’s also been conversations about Orlando Bloom bailing on the series, which would certainly free up some money for other things. Like I said, this isn’t exactly concrete sequel news, but hey, everyone loves the "Pirates" flicks, so any drop of news should of course be shared and discussed.

Sources: IGN Movies, L.A. Times