Dunst Admits Bad Spidey Acting

by | April 30, 2007 | Comments

Kirsten Dunst is an acclaimed actor having conquered period pieces, character drama and comedy. Can the "Spider-Man" films be her biggest acting challenge to date?

"It gets sticky when you get to the blue-screen stuff," she said during press rounds. "I just forgive myself for bad acting when it comes to those things. If I’m good in that, it’s just incredible, because those things are hard to do. I had no idea what was going to be in the film and some of those lines are hard to pull off too."

Dunst in "Spider-Man 2"

"Spider-Man 3" is her third time in front of the blue soundstages. However, the rest of the film has her character, Mary Jane, deal with real issues like career and communication in a relationship. That’s just like any of her dramas.

"After I did ‘Marie Antoinette’, we did very little talking in that movie. It was a very sensorial way of working. It’s all about the way the fabrics smelled, the food tasted, how the air felt. I never concentrated so intently like that. Afterwards, I realized all these things. While I was doing it, I was aware of it, but you can’t be too aware of yourself. Then, when I started to work on Spider-Man, I realized all these tools I had that I didn’t realize I had before. I learn new things on every movie."