Discover the Best Twilight Blogs!

Update your bookmarks folder with these comprehensive fan sites!

by | August 3, 2009 | Comments

In our second installment of our regular New Moon Mondays, we take a moment
to spotlight the fine fan-driven sites that help keep Twilight love brewing
online. From Twilighters to Twi-hards to Twilight Super Fans, these are some of
our favorite Twilight-dedicated fan sites on the web — our Twilight
blog roll!
If you’re not reading them for your daily New Moon fix (or for the sights and
sounds of last weekend’s TwiCon), start checking out these highly specialized
outlets now. (And don’t worry if your favorite Twi-site isn’t listed; tell us
who we left off and why you read them, and we’ll include them in a future blog
roll update!)
This extensive site has great news coverage of all things related to the films
and their cast members, with objective — ok, sparse — editorializing.
Twilighters was founded by two cousins, neither of whom were born before 1990,
which makes me feel old, but impressed all the same with the site they’ve built.
Check out their Fan of the Week feature and countdown clock…to Eclipse’s
premiere date! (Only 332 days and counting…)[rtimage]MapID=1206167&MapTypeID=2&photo=16&legacy=1[/rtimage]
MSN’s Twilight SuperFan
MSN’s SuperFan, our dear friend Myriam Gabriel-Pollock, writes exhaustive daily
blog posts just for you Twilight obsessives on one of the internet’s largest
portals. Read her Wednesday “Rob Round-ups,” if you’re an RPattz devotee, and
never go another week without a Pattinson fix. I guarantee that nowhere else in
the mainstream blogosphere will you ever read the phrase “OME” (AKA Oh My
Edward). [rtimage]MapID=1206167&MapTypeID=2&photo=15&legacy=1[/rtimage]
Twilight Lexicon
For a comprehensive catalog of all things Twilight (we’re not even just talking
the movies, since the site originated in response to Stephenie Meyer’s books),
there is none better than Twilight Lexicon. It is just that — a veritable
encyclopedia of details regarding the Twilight Saga world, containing sections
of meticulously researched character bios (with chapter citations, natch), a
Saga-spanning timeline, and detailed chapter summaries of every single book. The
Twilight Lexicon also bears Meyer’s seal of approval as pages of personal
correspondences attest, which also offer more minutely detailed information than
one Twilighter can possibly ever know (i.e., when is Edward Cullen’s
Google “Twilight fan site” and BellaAndEdward pops up first, one of the largest
Twilight sites on the net. Creator and admin Michelle does a fantastic job
posting a steady stream of Twi-news each day, and can handily direct you to the
latest photo shoot or media content of the Twilight cast; if it’s online, she’ll
find it. (Personal/paparazzi pics have been editorially banned for the safety of
the cast.) Head over to check out BaE’s coverage of last weekend’s fan
gathering, TwiCon.  [rtimage]MapID=1206167&MapTypeID=2&photo=10&legacy=1[/rtimage]

Twilight Examiner

If you’re looking for more straight reportage on all things Twilight, the
Twilight Examiner provides a newsy layout that looks like a newspaper website…
if said newspaper only wrote about vampires who sparkle and the respective
actors who play them. Examiner Amanda Bell stays especially on top of the media
mentions and appearances of the Twilight cast, so you can track their every
(Twitter) move. 

Check back every Monday afternoon for the latest New Moon Monday, and get our
full Twilight Saga
and New
coverage at

RT’s Twilight Corner
. The Twilight Saga: New Moon is in
theaters November 20.