Director Hired for Live-Action Snow White Epic

And it's Disney who's making it, too.

by | August 1, 2007 | Comments

Disney’s turning Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs into a live-action action drama, and they just got the guy who helmed Constantine to direct it. And no, today is not April First.

The long-gestating project is working under the title of "Snow and the Seven," but The Hollywood Reporter indicates that this is only a temporary label. The project’s been through a bunch of screenwriters, but Disney and new director Francis Lawrence seem ready to get production rolling early next year in China. (Yuen Woon-ping was hired to orchestrate the fight sequences!)

Our source provides a handy plot synopsis: "The story, a fantasy adventure, centers on a British girl being raised in 19th century Hong Kong. When she realizes her destiny is to conquer an evil force, she must prepare to fight by being trained by seven Shaolin monks."

In addition to Constantine, Mr. Lawrence also directed I Am Legend, the big-budget Will Smith sci-fi flick that’s scheduled for release this Christmas.

So who would you get for the lead here? Jessica Biel or Scarlett Johansson?

Source: The Hollywood Reporter