De Palma Directing That "Untouchables" Prequel?

by | February 22, 2007 | Comments

I know we’ve probably talked about this one before: Apparently there’s going to be a prequel to Brian De Palma‘s "The Untouchables," and in a recent interview with AICN, moviemaker Antoine Fuqua mentioned that De Palma may actually be directing this prequel. Hmmm.

Since he wasn’t able to see Fuqua’s new flick "Shooter" prior to the interview, AICN’s Capone broke out a bunch of questions related to the director’s project, both past and present. In addition to next month’s "Shooter," Mr. Fuqua is also producing an HBO serious called "Bastards at the Party," a possible biopic on The Notorious B.I.G., a terrorism tale called "By Any Means Necessary," and (maybe, someday) a film about black Vietnam vets called "Bloods."

In the pile of projects he won’t be involved in we have "American Gangster" (which now belongs to Ridley Scott) and that alleged "Untouchables" prequel. Interesting piece all around; check it out.

Source: AICN