Christian Bale Talks "Dark Knight" Training

by | May 1, 2007 | Comments

"Batman Begins" not only made Christian Bale a bankable superstar, it also made him a pro at dodging direct questions about any Batman-related sequels. While promoting this summer’s POW drama "Rescue Dawn," Bale was kind enough to tease about the new Batstunts we may see in "The Dark Knight." His previous experience with the stunt team has encouraged them to let him do even more this time around.

"We kind of were untested before, [now] they know that I know my right from my left," Bale said. "They know that when I walk, the arm swings the right way and everything so there’s a little more confidence in me about my ability to pick things up quickly. We did start a while back in training which I believe is a mystery for what we are training for."

Bale in "Batman Begins"

While he would never reveal any story points, in fact sometimes delighting in vaguely dodging the fanboys, Bale did assure us that "The Dark Knight" was a significant progression from "Batman Begins."

"Actually I’m liking very much the idea because I haven’t reprised a role ever before and so I know it already. We’ve got a great cast as well, and Chris [Nolan] and I work very well together so I know that we’re going to be finding an awful lot to add to it. The last thing it is is treading water."