Beyonce's Getting Snubbed All Over the Place

by | January 5, 2007 | Comments

Not only is Beyonce Knowles being (resoundingly) overshadowed by her "Dreamgirls" co-star Jennifer Hudson in the various award races, but now comes word that she wouldn’t even be a nominee on a song she helped write!

The guys over at Gold Derby break it down very clearly (here and here), but here’s the gist: If the song "Listen" gets nominated for Best Song, three of Ms. Knowles co-songwriters will get the honors, but not BK, because there’s this really dumb Academy rule that ONLY three songwriters can be nominated for the same song. And since Beyonce contributed a little bit less to the tune that her co-writers did, bang, she can’t join in the Oscar fun. Kinda lame if you ask me.

Ms. Knowles, of course, can take solace in the fact that A) she’s a big superstar, B) she’s really beautiful and talented, and C) she once starred in an "Austin Powers" movie — even if it was the lamest one.