And the Possible Dune Remake's Director Might Be...

AICN's got a "well-founded rumor."

by | October 16, 2007 | Comments

A few weeks ago, we discussed a CHUD report about Frank Herbert’s Dune possibly heading back to the big screen. Now, according to Ain’t It Cool News, some of the details surrounding the project might be starting to fill in.

In the CHUD report, Herbert’s grandson was quoted as saying:

“We’re getting VERY close to a deal. Heard that news today…although only rumor, I’ve heard that ‘someone’ at the studio wants Dune reallllly bad and has been a fan of the novel for ‘years.’ They’re not saying who this is (and it might just be hype) but I’m holding out hope that whoever this might be is a big enough fan that he/she will do the book justice. Supposedly it’s some director.”

According to AICN‘s Merrick, a source named Checkyr has shared the possible identity of the studio — and the “someone” — in question. All the typical rumor caveats apply, but we’ll just cut right to the chase. From AICN:

In short, Checkyr says the studio in question is Paramount…which is aggressively building a formidable arsenal of franchises via TRANSFORMERS, JJ AbramsSTAR TREK re-deployment, and spin-off potential built into INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL.

And the director in question? Writer/Director Peter Berg. He directed FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, THE RUNDOWN (hooray for monkey love!), and…more recently…THE KINGDOM.

AICN‘s commenters have already jumped all over this rumor — and judging from their comments’ subjects, they aren’t exactly overjoyed with the news. What say you, RT faithful? Is Berg’s name a killing word?

Source: Ain’t It Cool News