Critics Consensus

The Transporter Refueled Is a Lemon

Plus, A Walk in the Woods is pleasant but predictable, and Mr. Robot and Narcos are Certified Fresh.

by | September 3, 2015 | Comments

This week at the movies, we’ve got a getaway driver (The Transporter Refueled, starring Ed Skrein and Ray Stevenson) and some bumbling hikers (A Walk in the Woods, starring Robert Redford and Nick Nolte). What do the critics have to say?

The Transporter Refueled (2015) 16%

It’s rare — though not unprecedented —  for a movie franchise to successfully reboot without its signature star — take Mad Max, for example. Unfortunately, critics say The Transporter Refueled could really benefit from the presence of Jason Statham; without him, the caper plotline and occasionally decent stuntwork feel thoroughly generic. This time out, Frank Martin (Ed Skrein) is hired as a wheelman for a daring, mysterious heist; as insurance, his employers kidnap Martin’s father. Vehicular and bodily mayhem ensue. The pundits say The Transporter Refueled has all the trappings of a sleek action film and little of the spark, which doesn’t bode well for potential future entries in the series.

A Walk in the Woods (2015) 46%

A Walk in the Woods sounds almost foolproof: take two great actors, and send them on a hike in a scenic locale. Critics say the film works best when it sticks to those basic elements, but it’s also padded with sitcommy gags and a bit too much schmaltz. Based on Bill Bryson’s bestseller, the film stars Redford as a man in the midst of an emotional malaise, so he enlists an old friend to join him for a hike of the Appalachian Mountain Trail, where they meet all sorts of interesting characters. The pundits say A Walk In The Woods is pleasant but predictable, ambling about without ever arriving at a truly memorable destination.

 What’s Hot on TV

Mr. Robot: Season 1 98%

Mr. Robot is a suspenseful cyber-thriller with timely stories and an intriguing, provocative premise.

Narcos: Season 1 78%

Narcos lacks sympathetic characters, but pulls in the viewer with solid acting and a story that’s fast-paced enough to distract from its familiar outline.

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