In this week’s Ketchup, the first official trailer of I Am Legend appears, there’s a good reason to see Legend on the IMAX, and Jet Li in a Mummy 3 screen shot. Also, J.K. Rowling outs one of her main characters, and Naomi Watts joins a Michael Bay production.
This Week’s Most Popular News:
Trailer Bulletin: Exclusive and Official I Am Legend Trailer!
Sure, we’ve had our post-apocalyptic movie this year (28 Weeks Later). And our annual vampire movie (30 Days of Night). But have you gotten both for the price of one ticket? Enter I Am Legend, the post-apocalyptic vampire action thriller starring Will Smith. The film opens December 17 and Rotten Tomatoes has your official exclusive trailer right here.
First Five Minutes of The Dark Knight In Front of I Am Legend?
News of the special Dark Knight preview comes not only third-hand, and translated from a German site, so don’t take it as an official announcement — but it’s quite the exciting enticement for those who might have gone for a regular old normal-sized screening, no?
Jet Li Fight Scene Mummy 3 Image Revealed!
Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor director Rob Cohen has shared yet another great new image on his production blog: Jet Li in character, fighting our hero Brendan Fraser!
J.K. Rowling Outs Albus Dumbledore
Add “the sexual orientation of a fictional character” to the list of things that are apparently capable of dominating an American news cycle in the 21st century.
Naomi Watts Joins Bay’s Birds Flock
Finally, something truly terrifying has come out of Hollywood. Make sure you’re sitting down, and don’t say we didn’t warn you — this news is not for the faint of heart.