Author Profile

Senh Duong

Holy crap, I didn't know my whole life story is here. Damn. It's gone. | <b>Favorites (2001):]</b> </i>Memento, Mulholland Drive, Moulin Rouge, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Shrek, The Others, Monsters Inc., A.I., Lord of the Rings, Kiss of the Dragon, Harry Potter, Enemy at the Gates, The Mummy Returns, Planet of the Apes, Spy Kids <b>Favorites (of all time):</b> </i>Memento, Dark City, Drunken Master II, Die Hard, Rocky, Jurassic Park, Aliens, The Thing, Once Upon a Time in China, Speed, Return of the Dragon, Being John Malkovich, The Iron Giant, Moulin Rouge, Sleepy Hollow | Reviews, Art, Box Office, Jackie Chan, Kings