Every once in a while an animated film comes along that manages to do something original — and 9 is one of those movies. Based on director Shane Acker’s Oscar-nominated 2005 short film, 9 chronicles the adventures of a gang of miniature creatures as they try to evade mechanical monsters in a post-apocalyptic world where humans no longer exist. The film, dubbed “stitchpunk” for the look of its characters, is produced by Tim Burton, who came on board as a creative adviser after being taken with Acker’s short.
To mark the film’s release on December 9, Rotten Tomatoes and Madman are giving away 20 in-season double passes to 9. To win, tell us in 9 words or less why you want to see it. Send your reply, along with your mailing address, to: 9 Ticket Giveaway.
Entries close Monday, December 7. Winners will be notified by mail.
9 opens nationally on December 9.