
Which Decade Had the Greatest Best Picture Oscar Winners?

Will the decade of The Sound of Music crush the decade of Crash? Will Titanic steer the 1990s out of the competition? We're going deep on the 93 Best Picture Oscar winners.

by | April 20, 2021 | Comments

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It’s Lawrence of Arabia vs. Forrest Gump. Rocky Balboa in one corner, Bong Joon-ho in another. The English Patient rumbling like a madman with Citizen Kane. (OK, not Citizen Kane – because that movie inexplicably did not win Best Picture.) In this very special, shiny, golden edition of Vs. we’re declaring which decade had the best set of Best Picture Oscar winners. How exactly? Glad you asked. Host Mark Ellis breaks down the box office performance, Tomatometer and Audience Scores, legacy and influence, and more factors related to each decade’s films to declare the ultimate winner. Don’t agree with our pick? Offended by how much Mark dislikes Crash? As ever, let us know in the comments.

The 93rd Academy Awards ceremony will be broadcast at 5pm PST/8pm EST April 24, 2021 on ABC. 

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