We Wish United Artists a Happy Birthday

And you get the presents!

by | February 22, 2009 | Comments

Midnight Cowboy

United Artists just turned 90 and we are here to celebrate!!

Formed back in 1919 by the famous Mary Pickford, Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks and D.W. Griffith, United Artists aimed to encourage progressive filmmaking and to give each star the authority and autonomy to create films in which they were passionate.

United Artists has been responsible for creating some of the finest films of all time including iconic film franchises such as Rocky, Pink Panther and James Bond. It was also responsible for critically acclaimed and award-winning features including Rain Man, Annie Hall, West Side Story, Some Like It Hot and Raging Bull.

Today United Artists has a library of nearly 500 feature films and boasts more than 80 Academy Award® winning classics.

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Prize details:

To help celebrate this milestone anniversary Rotten Tomatoes and 20th Century Fox are giving away two United Artists 90th Anniversary Box Gift Sets. Each gift set includes 30 United Artist titles and is valued at more than $1000!

To enter, email Rotten Tomatoes AU and name one United Artists film that won an Academy Award and answer the question: ‘what made this film worthy of the Oscar?‘; in twenty-five words or less, along with your name, phone number and postal address.

In conjunction with the promotional giveaway, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment is re-promoting the range of United Artists “Unmissable Movies” on DVD during the month of February for everyone to enjoy. Some of the classics include: Rocky, Get Shorty, Yentil, Fiddler On The Roof, Hackers, Midnight Cowboy and more. Available at leading retailers.

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