Critics Consensus

Transformers: The Last Knight Has Neither the Touch Nor the Power

Plus, The Big Sick and GLOW Season 1 are Certified Fresh.

by | June 22, 2017 | Comments

This weekend at the movies, we’ve got Michael Bay (allegedly) bidding farewell to the blockbuster Transformers saga with its fifth installment (Transformers: The Last Knight, starring Mark Wahlberg and Anthony Hopkins). What are the critics saying?

Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) 16%

The Transformers toy line was all about delivering fun that was “more than meets the eye,” but the live-action films it’s spawned have focused on visual thrills above all else — to their continued critical detriment and vast financial gain. It’s obviously too soon to tell what the box office holds for the fifth installment in the series, but as far as the critics are concerned, this weekend’s Transformers: The Last Knight offers more of the same; instead of serving up relatable characters or a compelling, sensible story, it races from one boffo, CGI-driven set piece to the next, using Anthony Hopkins and Merlin the Wizard to continue building the franchise’s vast alien robot mythology. Judging from the way the past Transformers features have performed, that’s just fine with audiences — and if you’ve enjoyed the Michael Bay-helmed saga thus far, there’s little reason to expect your mileage will vary much this time out. Plan accordingly, but don’t say we didn’t warn you.

What’s New on TV

GLOW: Season 1 94%

With spot-on 1980s period detail, knockout writing, and a killer cast, GLOW shines brightly.

Also Opening This Week In Limited Release