Tom Hanks Explains His "Da Vinci Code" Hairdo

by | April 25, 2006 | Comments

One of the first things I thought while watching the first "Da Vinci Code" trailer was … what’s up with Tom Hanks‘ wacky hair? It doesn’t look bad, exactly, but it’s sure not the white-boy-afro we’re all used to. So here, for everyone who simply has to know, is the straight scoop from Hanks himself … on what’s up with the hair.

From Contact Music: "TOM HANKS toyed with wearing a wig for his new role as THE DA VINCI CODE hero ROBERT LANGDON, because he feared he wouldn’t be able to grow his hair long enough to look like a scholar. The Oscar winner created a mental picture of the character and became obsessed with having the right hairstyle – he even worked with a stylist to come up with the perfect look. He explains, "(I wanted it) fuller in the back and falling down across my forehead. But the truth is my hair cannot be long and flowing; genetically, it doesn’t do that. It’s a bush. "We talked about a wig, but that ends up taking a huge amount of time. "So I went to these guys who know about hair chemistry and found a way."

Whew, now we can all sleep at night!