There's Word of a New "Austin Powers" Sequel -- Two Words, Actually

by | October 12, 2005 | Comments

Fans of the long-running (and seriously profitable) "Austin Powers" series may just have a new sequel to kick around … depending on whom you ask. Mike Myers says one thing, Michael York says another — but one thing’s certain: Key people ARE discussing a fourth "Powers" play, most likely to be released in tandem with the next 007 movie.

From Entertainment Weekly: Myers is "discussing a fourth Austin Powers film for New Line. ”There is hope!” says Myers of the latter. ”We’re all circling and talking to each other. I miss doing the characters.”"

From "UK Blockbuster Video’s mini-mag recently interviewed Michael York and asked when we might we see "Austin Powers" back on the screen. York said "Mike hasn’t told me. He never tells anyone until the very last minute. I have heard that they want to do a new one to coincide with the release of the next James Bond movie though. Since 007 is going to be younger in that movie, they’re considering doing a Young Austin movie. I don’t know if Mike would even be involved – It would be someone playing his son, and probably Seth Green playing Dr Evil Junior – so I guess that would definitely count me out. Still, if I’m asked – I’d love to be involved"."

So maybe we’ll get the same "old" Austin, or maybe we’ll get an all new "young" version. Either way, you can bet that New Line is absolutely salivating at the prospect of an all-new AP adventure.