Dark Horizon’s Garth Franklin has visited the set of the movie adaptation of Peter Chung‘s animated series, "Aeon Flux." In the first of a five-part series, Garth describes some of what he saw: "Many of the sets on display we saw were related to [the totalitarian ruler of a walled city in the movie] Goodchild himself." "The most unique set on display was The Relical," he says. "From the outside it looks like a trilobite-shaped spaceship with jellyfish-style netting hanging from its belly. Inside however is an amphitheatre designed like a topographical map meets an open cut coal mine." The movie stars Charlize Theron as a secret agent with orders to assassinate the ruler of a walled city in a post-apocalyptic world. "Aeon Flux" is set for a 2005 release and is directed by Girlfight‘s Karyn Kusama. Read the article here.