The Dark Knight's Character List Leaked Online?

One sequel, 101 names, and countless impatient fanboys.

by | January 16, 2008 | Comments

It’s been awhile since we ran a story about The Dark Knight, we know — but as proof that we’ve repented of our Bat-deficient ways, here’s a doozy of an item!

IESB, running with a report from, has posted what is being described as the “complete character list” from the Batman Begins sequel. Attributed to “a very reliable source,” the list contains over 100 names — none of which will be divulged here, natch — and although it isn’t the spoiler-est of spoiler-type posts, it’s still a fun, unexpected treat.

You know what to do, Bat-fans…get to clickin’, and read up on who you can expect to see when The Dark Knight debuts on July 18!

Source: IESB
Source: BadTaste