The Dark Knight Viral Websites Multiply

The count's up to seven now. Get clickin'!

by | November 26, 2007 | Comments

Good news, Batfans — all that The Dark Knight viral-website fun from a few weeks ago was only the tip of the iceberg.

JoBlo reports that a slew of new Dark Knight sites have hit the Web, allowing surfers to partake in all kinds of pre-release goodness. Batman: The Dark Knight Movie Chronicles has the lowdown on each of the new sites, so you can click below to read all about ’em — or just cut to the chase and follow the links below!

Source: JoBlo
Source: Batman: The Dark Knight Movie Chronicles
Source: The Gotham Times
Source: The Ha Ha Times
Source: We Are the Answer
Source: Gotham National Bank
Source: Remembering Gina
Source: Gotham Police
Source: Gotham City Rail