The Dark Knight Footage Leaked!

Okay, just a few seconds of footage. But still.

by | August 2, 2007 | Comments

We’ve got a little under a year to go before The Dark Knight graces our cineplex screens, but Warner Bros. knows how to parcel out morsels for hungry fans — now, to go along with the steady stream of casting information, photos, and the first teaser, Latino Review is offering footage of Batman’s motorcyle (A.K.A. “The Batpod”) in action.

It isn’t award-winning footage, to be sure; this shaky clip was obviously shot from a distance, and probably without official approval (translation: catch it now, before it’s cease-and-desisted offline). But hey, it’s free, and given the long wait between now and opening day, this is probably the kind of stuff eager fans will have to content themselves with for at least a few months. For now, enjoy these few moments of surreptitious footage, and let your imagination fill in the blanks. July 18, 2008 is only 350 days away — click on the link below and watch the Batpod in action!

Source: Latino Review