
The 5 Most Anticipated Movies Opening in June

Sure, you've got a Pixar movie and a superhero blockbuster, but what about that high-concept musical or that deadpan zombie comedy?

by | June 3, 2019 | Comments

We’re now in the heart of the summer movie season, so it shouldn’t shock anyone to learn that the movies audiences are most looking forward to include a Pixar film, a superhero blockbuster, and a sci-fi adventure. What might be more surprising is that, in a triumph of counterprogramming, a high-concept fantasy musical and a deadpan zombie comedy also made the list. Read on to find out the five most anticipated movies by Rotten Tomatoes users and our fans on social media in June.

1. Toy Story 4 (2019) 96%

9,043 Want-to-See Votes
#1 pick by our Facebook and Instagram fans, #2 pick by our Twitter fans
Opens June 21

Toy Story 3 gave us all a satisfying, emotional franchise finale, so it was something of a surprise when we learned the good folks at Pixar were planning to revive the series with a fourth installment. That hasn’t dampened the enthusiasm for the series, though, as Toy Story 4 sits comfortably at the top of this month’s list of most anticipated movies. Buzz, Woody, and the rest of the gang — plus an old friend and some new additions — are on hand to continue the story as Andy’s younger sister Bonnie makes a new toy at school who’s not so thrilled about being a toy. This one topped our Facebook and Instagram polls, and easily amassed the most Want-to-See votes.

2. Dark Phoenix (2019) 22%

5,982 Want-to-See Votes
#1 pick by our Twitter fans, #3 pick by our Facebook fans, #5 pick by our Instagram fans
Opens June 7

With the recent acquisition of Fox’s film and TV branches by Disney, it’s probably going to be some time before we see the X-Men back on the big screen, so Dark Phoenix might be the last we see of the series for the foreseeable future (we’re thinking of New Mutants as sort of an offshoot of the main series). With that in mind, it’s probably appropriate that the existing franchise is going out with a bang, adapting one of the most iconic stories from the comics. Sophie Turner, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, and the rest of the younger, soft-rebooted mutants return to explore the darker side of Turner’s Jean Grey, who becomes unstable after a mysterious encounter in space. This one resonated the most with our Twitter fans, and it amassed the second-highest number of Want-to-See votes.

3a. Men in Black: International (2019) 23%

3,268 Want-to-See Votes
#3 pick by our Instagram and Twitter fans, #5 pick by our Facebook fans
Opens June 14

Next up, we’ve got a tie for third, so we’ll start with the revival of the Men in Black franchise. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones are nowhere to be found — at least, that’s what we assume, barring a surprise cameo from them in the movie — and this time, the focus shifts to MiB’s London branch, where a rookie agent played by Tessa Thompson is partnered up with Chris Hemsworth’s veteran Agent H to track down a mole in the organization. Here’s hoping the chemistry they displayed in Thor: Ragnarok wasn’t a fluke.

3b.  Yesterday (2019) 63%

206 Want-to-See Votes
#1 pick by our Facebook fans, #2 pick by our Instagram fans, #5 pick by our Twitter fans
Opens June 28

The other film that tied for the third spot is also a fantasy, albeit a very different one. Himesh Patel and Lily James star in a musical about a struggling musician who wakes up from an accident in a world where the Beatles have never existed… but he still knows all of their songs, and he may use that to his advantage. This one premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival back in May and its gotten decent reviews so far. With the pedigree of Danny Boyle behind the camera and British rom-com specialist Richard Curtis (Bridget Jones’s DiaryLove Actually) penning the script, this one could become another classic.

5. The Dead Don't Die (2019) 54%

965 Want-to-See Votes
#4 pick by our Facebook and Twitter fans
Opens on June 14

Rounding out this month’s list is sort of an unlikely addition in the form of a dry, zombie-themed comedy from writer-director Jim Jarmusch. Jarmusch’s last film, Paterson, earned widespread acclaim, and he re-teams here with the star of that film, Adam Driver, as well as a powerhouse cast of longtime collaborators like Bill Murray, Tilday Swinton, Iggy Pop, Tom Waits, and more. The film premiered at Cannes to lukewarm reviews, but the caliber of talent involved has had audiences buzzing about it since it was announced.

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